Thursday, March 26, 2009

Living with cats

We all know by now that I have cats. Well, technically kittens, which means they’re both wild little jerks, however cute they may be.

I adopted them both at the Kearney Humane Society after volunteering there for awhile. One of them is a sweet, mostly calm little ball of fuzz, while the other one is psychotic. The crazy one, his name is Butters.

Butters quickly discovered the easiest, fastest way to jump on the kitchen counter/table, completely ignoring being told “no,” being picked up and put down, and even being sprayed in the face with water. I’m not kidding you, I think he actually liked it.

Anyway, I was in a huge rush last week to get one of my art projects mounted. I had five minutes to slather the thing with rubber cement and put it together before the critique. Before getting the glue out, I blocked every path Butters had to getting on the table, but I still tried to keep an eye on him. Sure enough, he just sat at my feet and stared up at me.

Then I noticed a mistake I had made in my painting, and as I took just one second to get a closer look, BAM! Butters had actually jumped from the floor onto the counter, only to have his eye fly right into the rubber cement brush I was holding.

Needless to say, he was in a lot of pain, meowing loudly and running under furniture to hide from me. I eventually grabbed hold of him and tried my best to rinse his eye with water. You can surely imagine how successful that was. I had to wrap him up in a blanket so he couldn't claw my own eyes out.

I took him to the vet the next day to have it checked out, and they gave him eye drops and cut the dried glue out of the fur around his eye, giving him a nice bald spot and upper whiskers on only one side of his face. They said that he could have lost his vision in that eye, but luckily, he hadn't actually gotten too much glue in his eye.

He’s fine now, so it’s ok to laugh.

Also, weirdly enough, I found this picture from LOLcats that looks almost exactly like my two little kittens! Crazy Butters is orange, as is the crazy cat in the photo. Haha!


  1. I felt so bad for laughing at this until you said it was ok! I was afraid I'd get to the end and the poor little guy would be blind or something! I'm really glad your little kitten is ok, though. I love that picture, by the way. You must have a lot of patience!

  2. Well, now you've gone and done it. I will have to read "Save a Kitty From Extinction" in class tomorrow.
