Monday, March 9, 2009

I <3 Arrested Development

Does anyone else here watch Arrested Development on DVD over and over? Am I the only one? Well, maybe in class I am (let me know if I'm not alone, classmates!), but I know for sure that many people around the country enjoy Arrested Development just as much as I do.

It's great, and there are so many reasons, it's really hard to explain it to someone who hasn't seen it or doesn't get the humor. But my all time favorite reason as to why Arrested Development is super cool is that nearly every single line is part of a joke or alluding to a joke. It's extremely clever, and I've watched every episode at least three or four times to make sure I catch it all.

Unfortunately, the show was canceled after only three seasons because apparently nobody was watching it. Now it's finally being made into a movie, and I have no idea when it's supposed to come out, but I hope it comes to Kearney. I will go as many times as my limited funds will allow me!

My boyfriend and my sister are both huge Arrested Development fans as well, and I never realized how often we make inside jokes from the episodes until I did it to someone who has never seen the show before. I guess I can't expect everyone to get it when I say "very ... handsome ... !" while acting like I'm about to barf. Or if something crappy happens, we say, "Michael!" in a low, vengeful voice. Also, since my last name starts with F, some of my friends who watch the show like to call me "Mr. F" ... if you watch the show, you'll see this is slightly insulting (or flattering, considering Charlize Theron is the actress), but it's all in good laughs.

Below, my favorite clip (explaining the "very handsome" thing) and my favorite episode, courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. A former student of mine, Dave Ryan, was a huge Arrested Development fan. You might check him out at the Daily Athenaeum. I have similar feelings about the series Firefly.
